Monday, July 11, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 54

   Thank God it is Friday, for me anyway. Got up early for the transition from late shift to early shift.  As I left the dorm for the EDR I felt a mixture of snow and rain on me. From what I hear the passes had snow coming down pretty hard. Nothing will stick, but snow in July was pretty great for me to see.
  After breakfast I headed into the store to get my til and I chose to work in the apparel area today. Business was slow as not too many tourists were out this morning. Those that were out early wanted coffee real bad. Since it was slow I helped Anita down in the dungeon with stocking knick knacks and such. After working a couple hours stocking I went back to my cashier post as Old Faithful was going to erupt soon and then the morning herd would be coming.  Sure enough those that braved the cold to watch her erupt made a bee line for the store. When they hit the store they made straight to the cold weather section of the store. You would not believe how many winter coats, gloves and sweatpants I sold. We could not keep the shelves stocked with the cold weather stuff fast enough. Every one who came to my station bought something to help them ward off the cold. They all asked me if this was unusual weather. I told them that the veterans who live around here said this is normal and to remember we are eight thousand feet up.  So many tourists come from hot temperatures and assume that every place is just as warm. Delaware North is making a mint today for sure.
  For lunch we had barbeque ribs and baked potatoes. Great lunch but will have to hike twelve miles to get rid of the calories.
  After lunch break I headed back to the floor and replaced Doris who whispered to me "It is crazy!" After five minutes I believe Doris was not exaggerating. It was crazier than memorial day. Every tourist was freezing because of the weather and it seems like every tourist was coming into the area more for the store than Old Faithful. Two and a half solid hours of busy. Also it seems that the majority of my sales were just under two hundred dollars. I told my line boss that if this day did not set a record in sales for 2016 that I would be surprised. He agreed that business was sure consistent and heavy all day.  About a half hour left in my shift did it finally slow down to where I could breath and stretch. When my replacement showed up business just started to pick up again. Thank God it is Friday. 
   After dinner I decided to go to the Old Faithful Inn and finish this blog and to read in front of their fire place. That is where I am now and I climbed to the third floor to get a seat away from the crowds. It is peaceful for sure and they even have a cello player entertaining the people too.
   Not too many highlights from customers today but for as busy we were they were generally friendly and upbeat. I did meet a couple from Venezuela. They were very nice and told me to come and visit their country as they said I would like it. I told them that maybe one day but I would really like to see London first.  I also talked to a family from Fishers Indiana and they knew about Linton also.
  Well I will leave you with one observation from today. If you come to the mountains do not make flip flops the only shoes you bring.
  Take care all and stay well.

1 comment:

  1. Read a comment online that Jackson Hole had some serious snowfall the other day.
