Sunday, July 10, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 53

   Got up early today to head for breakfast and to meet Jack. When I work late shift Jack and I go to worship services together. Today it is cold and rainy and they moved the services to under the awning at the inn but still outside. Outside services are pretty invigorating when a child rain is pouring down around you. The message was on Martha and Mary and Martha's worrying about things that we not important. After the services Jack and I sat on the second floor and did a semi Bible study on the passages from the service. We both agreed that Satan loves to get us on a hamster wheel of activities and worries that prevents us from fully worshipping God as we should.  
  After walking back to the dorm in the rain I read the Bible for awhile and killed time before for lunch then start of the late shift.
  It has been raining most of the morning and that still did not slow down the tourists. The store was pretty busy and I was put back in the grocery section to cashier for the day.  It seems our bosses have been prompted by their boss to start our day off with a pep talk about certain expectations that Delaware North wants all their employees to follow. I don't mind as I feel that some points need to be heard but if our bosses don't follow through and correct certain employees about what we get lectured on, then what is the point. 
  After dinner break I went back to work and was treated with a couple who knew about Crane and used to live in Loogootee. The husband works in Pax River and is well aware of BRAC and how their base and Crane was being reviewed for closure a few years ago.
   Business was slow due to the weather and the floor supervisor wanted me to learn a new area to stock. So I was assigned to stock the walk-in refrigerators. Jack ended up training me on procedures and such. Then he turned me loose. The first thing I did was get my jacket to wear. The walk-ins are pretty cold and I was in each several minutes stocking milk, pop, beer and such.  I liked the work mostly because I was doing something besides just standing at a cash register waiting for tourists to buy something. Jack said it will take me some time to find all the stock to put out but after awhile I figure I will learn their system. 
  Not too much else happened and I was able to leave work an hour early. The rain has stopped for now but the temperature is below forty degrees. I suspect it will be spitting snow soon. Snow in July. Have not experienced that before.
  Take care you all and I hope you worshipped God well today and you received a blessing of peace.


  1. So glad you had a good Sunday! We did too. I so love to hear your Cathy play the flute during communion time. Music just blesses my soul and my spirit.

    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Pat and I know she really smiles when people tell her that. You take care and give Les a hug and a kiss from me. :)
