Thursday, June 16, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 29

   Back to work today at the early shift. 7am to 5:30pm with break from 11:30am to 2:30pm.  The day was pretty slow and for most of the morning I stocked children's clothes and hats. I did not realize that Stetson made so many cowboy hats.  We have been averaging $50,000 in sales per day with Tuesdays being our busiest day.
  After lunch today I met my first couple from Israel and he even said I pronounced his name correctly. I also met a couple from northern Indiana who was familiar with Linton. They said they used to come into our neck of the woods to fish. They told me about the time they even stayed at the Allen's motel for a night and how worried they were about the place. I told them that they were braver than I was as I would never think about staying at that place.
  The most special customer experience was when I met an elderly lady and her son. I ask them if they were having a good time at the park and she replied that it was the first time her son had ever been here. She said the came to bring her husband's ashes and based on her husband's wishes the ashes were to be put in the Snake River running in front of the Grand Tetons. She said her and her son did that yesterday and it went very well. I told her that I was sorry she has lost her husband.  She told me it has been rough since he died and that two weeks prior to his passing she was diagnosed with cancer and she was undergoing chemo treatments now. I asked her how she was doing with the treatments and she said they make her tired for awhile but she said she recovers OK.  From her credit card I learned her name was Michelle and I told her that I would lift her up in my cancer prayers tonight as I have many friends dealing with that disease.  She looked at me and said she really appreciated it and she said she picked the right cashier to check her out today.  I patted her on the hand when I gave her the bagged items she purchased and told her to take good care of herself and to keep praying. She smiled and said thank you and walked away to join her son. So for all my prayer warriors who read this please say a prayer for Michelle and her battle with cancer and the loss of her husband.
  After dinner I decided to hike up the overlook trail again to see Old Faithful erupt from a distance and also to see if I could spot that grizzly again crossing the meadow or up on the overlook.  I got some great pictures of the area and Old Faithful erupting and will upload a video to Facebook later. After not seeing the bear I decided to hike down and take the trail to Solitary geyser.  It was about a half a mile away but through some pretty dark woods. So I thought I better keep my ears and eyes open for any creature in there. But as it turns out I did not have to worry about that as a Chinese couple with a little girl decided to follow me down the trail. So you know what is more effective than bear spray or bells at keeping bears at bay? That would be a chattering Chinese child. I swear that kid did not shut up the entire half mile through the woods.
  I made it to Solitary geyser and sat down for awhile waiting for it to erupt. It's frequency was every ten minutes or so and usually only about four feet in height, but still interesting to watch as that geyser was the only thing in a clearing and out of the way of the other geysers around Old Faithful.
  I hiked down another path that led me to the geyser area and hiked to the Old Faithful Lodge which is where I am now writing this blog.  It has been a good day and will probably watch a little basketball in the dorm before heading to bed. Still do not have a roommate and I am not complaining.  You all take care and keep praying for those you love and those needing God's interceding.

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