Sunday, June 12, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 24

   Got up early today because I wanted to take a long walk around the area.  I walked through the store and out the front door.  Looking left and right I decided to go left and head through the Old Faithful Inn parking lot to look for license plates I needed.  Yes I am still in need of 6 states to get the coveted Hobbs' travel trophy.  :) The nice thing about where I live is that I can walk in most any direction and see a lot of nice things.  I can stay off the tourist paths or hop on them at most any point.  Today I jumped on the tourist path after passing through the Inn's parking lot.  Finding no state license that I did not have I proceeded on down a trail that would take me about midway through the Old Faithful Geyser basin.  It was not long before I was standing next to two bison that were busy eating grass in the woods.  They did not pay any attention to me and I did not bother them.  I connected with a trail to some geysers and pools that I have not seen before.  I took several pictures and uploaded a few to Facebook.  The path I was on headed back to the Old Faithfull Lodge and veered close to the woods.  So I always kept an eye out for any bear that might be up at this time of the morning.  I headed back to the river that Old Faithful feeds into and across the bridge over it.  I did not tell you but the morning was perfect for walking.  Overcast and cool, but the mosquitoes were out in force and after my walk I was going to by some spray as I have been bitten several times.
   The walk ended back at the Old Faithful Store where I work and I think I did 3 to 4 miles in distance.  I went back to the room and got ready for lunch and work.  The work day was uneventful for any customer surprises but was pretty busy for sure.  I think I had more Texas and Utah customers than I have ever had before.  I even met a guy working here that went to Indiana State University.  After my mid afternoon break I got a surprise when I went back to my station to work.  My cashier spot was pretty swamped and I looked up to see Jim O'Bryan staring at me.  I said hi and had to let him know that there was no way I could stop now to talk.  He saw that I was swamped and left.  I hope to see him and his family tomorrow as I know they are here as a group in a motor home.  It was good to see a familiar face from home.
  On a personal note that is pretty much Murphy's Law.  Last night after my paycheck was deposited I decided to transfer money to pay off my van loan.  Cathy is driving my van and I am driving her car this summer.  I texted Cathy and told her I just paid off the van and to expect the Credit Union to send us the title soon.  She said that was good and she was heading to our grandson Oliver's T-Ball game. Later that afternoon she texted me that she just backed into Doug Lee's truck with my newly paid off van.  She is handling all the insurance and repairs issues with the help of my sons I hope. Such is life and thank you Murphy's law.
  I hope you are all doing well and I thank you for reading the blog.  Keep each other in your prayers and show Jesus whenever you can to those around you.  Stay well.

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