Sunday, June 12, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 25

  Got an early start today because I wanted to attend morning church services held at the Old Faithful Inn. I got up and showered and put on some good clothes that I brought, but unbeknownst to me the services were held outdoors on the second floor of the inn. Needless to say I did not dress warmly enough but I survived. We sang worship songs and the young man, a Tennessee preacher's son, delivered a fine message on David's grace shown to Jonathan's son Mephibosheth.  He even paused during the message when Old Faithful erupted. A great way to start the work day for sure.
  Work was very busy during the day and I barely had time to converse with the tourists. But today's best customer experience was talking to a couple who decided to leave their Ohio home and see the U.S. by car. People after my own heart. They have been as far as the California coast and as far south as the grand canyon. I think they were on day twenty six and from what they indicated they had many more days and miles to go. I could tell by their faces that they were having a blast seeing the country and being on the road. I was even able to give them a few tips on places they were heading to. I told them I could help them west of the Mississippi but nothing east of Indiana.
  When my first break came I was very tired and I used part of the time for a good nap. My feet and legs have been doing better but after a solid nonstop cashiering for three solid hours, I can get tired.
  After the mid afternoon break I ate dinner and went back to work. It slowed down quite a bit and I spent the bulk of my evening doing stock work. It amazes me how much future yard sales items people are buying. Around eight my boss tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I wanted to leave early, say eight instead of nine thirty. I told him that would be great so I could attend the Sunday night services at the rec center. Around eight I pulled my till and headed to the counting room. I have to tell you that getting my till ready and counting it at night is getting easier all the time. I just wish the counting folks would tell me how I am doing. I always wonder  if I am short or not.
  Went to Sunday night services and found out that even though they changed locations the message was the same as Sunday morning. So I listened to the repeat message on David's grace given to Jonathan's son. Still I picked up a few more nuggets from the word. We also had a special prayer for the tragedy in Orlando. So sad.
  Well that is all of my day and I have to get to bed early as I have a turn around early shift tomorrow. It was good to see that the first Sunday services in our new worship center back home went well. Praise God for He is good.  Take care and remember the famous cry from Teddy Roosevelt as he went up San Juan hill. "Go Cubs".

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