Friday, June 17, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 30

  Will another payday in paradise. This blog is going to be short today as not much occurred of note.  The day started slow so I was tasked to put up stock until cashiers were needed. Around ten AM business picked up and remained steady for the next three hours until midday break.  After midday break the tourist traffic was fairly steady. The interesting thing about work is that I must be adjusting well to the work load as we were told yesterday that our sales reached $60,000 a new store high for the year, but I felt it was only moderately busy. So I guess my cashier stamina is getting better.  I did meet several people from Indiana today. A couple who said they were from Richmond Indiana. I joked you mean the camper trailer capital of the Midwest. They laughed and asked me how I knew that and I told them where I lived and the Tom Raper commercials have been running for years in our area.
  After work the EDR had pizzas for us to eat and now I am sitting in the front porch of the general store blogging and enjoying the weather. Sunny and seventy degrees.  Giving my legs a rest as the hike yesterday had made my knees scream at me today.
  Since it was a short day I will leave you with a few observations I have seen since being here.
  Observation one: the Chinese people have no concept of a line to the cash register. It must come from the fact that they live in a country where people pile on top on one another. They stand back and even though there is a line to my register the just walk up and lay their purchases down to be processed. I politely tell them that others were ahead of them and they shake their heads in an understanding gesture but don't move. It makes for some tense situations where I have to act as peacemaker.
 Observation two: the bathroom habits of tourists are atrocious. I am so grateful my job is not in the restroom cleaning department and those doing that job should get three times what I make.
  Observation three: The dress of some of the tourists are pretty shocking. For some individuals modesty is out the window. 

  Well that is all for now. You stay well and keep doing good. 

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