Friday, October 1, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 54 (I am a doctor)

    Only 18,800 steps today but at least the Pepsi truck showed up.  We now have plenty of water and drinks to sell.  Don't know what delayed him from getting here but at least he made it before the weekend.  Today I had a Chinese gentleman come to me with a question on medicines to take.  Before I could ask he went into great detail the symptoms he was having and then asked me to take him to a medicine that would help him.  I found what he needed and since he could not read the lable he ask me how to take it and in what dose and if he had to take it with food, etc.. After talking with him several minutes we finally got all the details out and repeated several times.  I hope I steered him right and he gets to feeling better.  Just call me Doctor Hobbs.  :)

   The weather today started out cold but warmed up again into the high fifties, but at 8,000 feet up and with a full sun.  It feels like 80 degrees.  We sold a lot of water, which usually indicates that it was rather warm in the sun.  I also note people are not dressing for winter yet as many still have shorts and tee shirts on.  I hear we are going to start getting some colder weather shortly, but not really winter cold yet.  Several have commented how mild this fall has been and it is very unusual for this time of year.

   Not too much else going on.  Enjoy the pictures.  Take care.

I have no idea what this was all about but it was next to Old Faithful

A spill over area in the geyser area from my after dinner walk

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