Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 72 (Day Off)

    Did not do too much today. Slept in and waited for the sun to come out.  Once it came out in the afternoon I took a six mile hike around the geyser basin.  I saw plenty of hot pools and geysers and quite a few bison.  I even had one pretty much in my path and I could not go around him as I would have had to walk through a swampy area.  So I just walked passed it and was about 10 yards from it.  The bison paid me no mind and I was able to pass by unharmed.

   We finally got a grocery delivery truck to show up today and I will have stock to put up tomorrow when I get into work.  Because business is slow I will be going into work at 1PM and work until 6PM. There is a weather front coming in this weekend that is causing many employees to ask if Delaware North would close the store early so the employees with campers and such can get on the road before getting snowed in.  I think they are calling for 3 to five inches of snow on Saturday and then another 3 inches on Sunday and Monday.  We are suppose to close on Sunday and I will hit the road Monday.  I am hoping to head North to catch I90 but if the snows are too much I may have to head west and then south to catch I80.  We will see how the weather forecast develops over the next few days.  Other than that not much else happening.  Thanks for reading and take care.

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