Thursday, October 21, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 74 (Counting Fly Fishing Lures)

   Today is dorm inspection day.  They also left us with instructions as to how we are supposed to leave our rooms when we finally leave on the 25th.  I am not a slob so making sure my room is ready took no time at all.  It must be my Navy training. :)  I went into work at 1PM and business was so slow that I volunteered to help the stocking people with their inventory.  I volunteered to verify the count of the fly fishing lures.  If you have ever seen fly fishing lures you would know that they are very small and hard to see.  We have a display case full of them and the initial count was 1,071 lures.  I had to verify that count.  It took me most of an hour to get half of them counted.  I took a break to rest my eyes. 

   Not much else going on.  The weather is pretty good for October the 21st but we hear that by Saturday we will be getting some snow.  I hope not too much as I have to travel either the 24th or the 25th. Thanks for reading and take care.

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