Saturday, October 2, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 55

   21,800 steps in today.  The weather was once again perfect.  Today I learned I would have to do another job besides grocery. We lost one of the two custodians we had.  So the one that is left works Monday through Friday.  Which means that on the weekends we all have to chip in to do some custodial work.  I really don't mind doing the extra work until it comes to a mess in the bathroom, then I get a little edgy. So once the grocery was in shape I would sweep, take out the trash, collect the garbage, ensure the toilets had toilet paper and paper towels, etc..  So I will be getting extra steps in on the weekends for sure.  

   I was able to get my comforter and pillow case washed while on break today.  I have yet to sleep under the covers because it has not been cold enough.  So the sheets and blankets are fine for now.  After work I went to dinner and sat with the workers coming off work. We had a lot of laughs and lots of stories about rude and stupid tourists.  It was good to get some laughs in as I think it is therapeutic for us all to realize that some days just wear on everyone.  Some of the tourist stories were very funny for sure.  That is about all for today.  Tomorrow is my Friday and I have yet to decide what I will be doing on my days off.  I am sure it will be something to see God's creation before the weather turns.  Take care all and get to church tomorrow.

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