Friday, October 15, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 67

   Not much happened today.  I was able to work 1.5 hours in the morning and 4 in the afternoon, but we have no stock to put up so I helped in other areas.  Tomorrow I will be taking off as Mark will be able to work the afternoon.  Ron will work the morning.  Ron is the only grocery worker that needs the money, so I want to make sure he gets the hours he needs.  Ron just wants to make sure I get enough hours to pay for my EDR and medical costs that are deducted from my paycheck.  So for the next nine days I will probably only work about 20 hours.  I am sure when we start to close we will all work to get the stock inventoried and stored where it is supposed to reside for the winter.

   The weather gets sunny during the day, which melts the snow but this causes it to turn to ice at night.  With the icy conditions the rangers close the gates and several roads that have passes that are icy.  Then the sun comes out and clears things off and the cycle starts all over again.  I am hoping tomorrow to take the truck and drive around the park when the roads clear.

   That is about all.  Getting closer to packing up.  Take care.

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