Thursday, October 7, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 60 (News Day)

    Today brought in some cold and rain.  At one point the rain turned to hail and really covered the ground.  See picture below.  Then as all mountain storms do, the rain passed and the sun came out.  The sun being out only lasted a few minutes as it then rained most of the day.  We see the weather turning colder here and it will result in snow, but the good news is that the temperature may not allow the snow to stay around for long.

   On a news note, they still have not found the second man that disappeared a Shoshone Lake.  One brother was found but not the other yet.  They seem to be baffled as to what happened to him.  The camp site was found and their gear but only one body has been found and he died of hypothermia.  The rangers are camped out at the lake and continue searching and I imagine their nights are very cold.

  Another news from the area is about a dog that caused major heartaches.  We have an area called Firehole Lake Drive.  One of the attractions in the area is some hot pools.  They can be viewed but are fenced off to prevent people from getting too close.  It seems this family lost control of their dog and the dog got out of the car and jumped into the hot pool.  The daughter, without thinking, ran after the dog and jumped in to get it.  The result was the dog is dead and the girl has burns over 90 percent of her body.  The last update we have heard is she was in an induced coma. These pools look nice and clear but the water that comes up out of the ground is very very hot.

   Only 19,880 steps today.  Business slow and not a whole lot of stock to put on shelves.  I worked an hour less today than I was scheduled and I may not go into work until 2PM tomorrow.  That is about all for today.  Take care and thanks for reading.

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