Saturday, October 16, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 69

   Got 14,000 steps in today as I was able to work from 1PM to 6PM.  The weather has turned fairly warm for Yellowstone.  So there was plenty of tourists in the store in the afternoon.  But like before many thought they would be able to have all the facilities and all the food places open.  Like I said before they did not do their research before arriving.  I even saw a guy in shorts and a T-Shirt. 

  We still don't have much to stock in Grocery other than pop, beer, and pre-made sandwiches.  So I helped do custodian work today.  Who would have thought that after 35 years of working and a college degree that I would be cleaning toilets in Yellowstone at 62 years of age. I think the same thing when I stock woman's tampons in the grocery store.  :)  

  Not too much went on that is of any importance.  The weather makes walking around a little hazardous in that at night the water freezes and then during the day it thaws.  You really have to be on your guard for black ice and slippery areas.  Enjoy the pictures below of my final trip through Hayden valley and the upper falls of the Yellowstone.

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