Friday, October 8, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 61

   Because we are over staffed on Friday, I only worked 4 hours today.  So I only got 12,082 steps in today, but I skipped breakfast.  So that helped with the calories.  It pretty much rained or threatened rain all day.  Business was very slow.  Also we have very little in the way of stock to put up on the shelves.  Some stores will be closing this week and we may get some of their goods transferred to us.  So that may help for sure, but there is slim pickings in the store for sure.  Even the beer is getting low.  :)

   No too much else to report.  Nothing unusual happened and the tourists seem to behave.  That is about all.  I think tomorrow will be the same and I will work only 4 hours also.  We are expecting snow tonight but how much is anyone's guess.  I see that a few parts of Wyoming are under a major snow advisory.  Some areas in the high elevation may get 18 inches of snow.  We will see when I wake up tomorrow. Good sleeping weather though.  Take care and thanks for reading.

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