Sunday, October 3, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 56 (TGIF)

   Only 19,800 steps today.  The weather again was unusually perfect for October 3rd.  Today the Old Faithful Lodge closed down for the season.  Next week the Old Faithful Inn will close also.  So things are wrapping up around here.  It will not be long before us and the Snow Lodge will be the only places open.  I still have many tourists come to the store expecting that all the places and all the services will be open just like it is in the summer.  They basically did no research before they arrived and planned poorly. Many think that you get go and sit down in a dining room and have a family meal at this time of year, but that is incorrect. After I tell them their limited choices they turn and go away in a huff.  I get the same response when people think our store should stock everything they may need, but in reality at this time of year we are drawing down our inventory and not ordering as much.  It is basic business in Yellowstone at the end of the year.  If people would plan and research they would have bought all their supplies well before entering the park.  

   Tomorrow is my day off and I think I will head out of the park to Bozeman for a short hike and a visit to the bookstore and mall.  Not too much else to report.  Take care and stay well.

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