Friday, October 22, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 75

   I have the day off today as Mark and Ron are working and we don't need three in grocery.  So I decided to do laundry and get stuff packed away to leave.  I got three quarters of my stuff packed away and loaded into the truck.  I am hoping to work until noon on Sunday and then clock out and head for home.  I keep hearing the weather is going to turn snowy over the weekend.  So I would like to get out and to lower elevation before too much snow gets on the ground here.  You sure cannot tell it will be snowing anytime here as the temp today is 50 degrees and sunny.  Very unusual for October 22nd.  I talked to the assistant store manager and she let me know what I need to turn in before I leave.  My room passed inspection already so all I have to do is a final dusting, lock the windows, and turn in my key Sunday.  It will be nice to head home as I hear my grandkids miss me.  :)

   Got my last hike in around the geyser basin.  Saw Castle geyser go off and one I never have seen go off before.  I think its name is Googles geyser.  Maybe the geyser basin was wishing me a goodbye. The bison are really active around here now as they are getting ready for winter. They have been blocking the roads and creating massive traffic jams.  I hope they are clear off the road when I leave as I really don't care to see another bison jam.  That is all for now.  Thanks for reading.

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