Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 65 (Day Off but Snowed In)

  Slept in today but woke up to about 7 inches of snow.  The park gates are closed to tourists.  SO the store is only getting customers that either live or work around here this time of year.  The store staff was limited to 2 cashiers and one person in the fountain.  The grocery was supposed to get supplies today but the truck has not shown up yet, so there is only one person working in the grocery.  The interesting thing is that the beer truck made it through.  Heaven forbid that we would run out of beer.  :)

   Not too much else going on.  Will read and watch TV and also get in a hike and some pictures later.  The snow is pretty and I hope to see some animals out and about.  Mostly it is a resting day.

   With the snow we had there are several gates closed and several roads int the park closed also.  I also suspect that the search for the missing man around Shoshone Lake was called off.  I figure if he has not been found by now then he is probably dead and either at the bottom of the lake or food for bears of wolves.  Its a tough world sometimes.

If you zoom in on the dot in the middle it is a bison trying to get to the grass under the snow.

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