Sunday, October 10, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 63 (TGIF)

 Only 13,000 steps in today. Only worked 4 hours today.  Business was OK but we are very low on stock.  We are supposed to get a delivery tomorrow but since we only have 2 weeks left to be open, there may not be too much coming our way.  Ron has been watching the inventory closely and will try to get some extra items to put on the shelves but Delaware North may limit what we get knowing that it will all have to be shipped to another store in 2 weeks.  

  We are supposed to get a snow storm the next two days.  I was hoping that on my day off I could get to Idaho Falls and see a movie and look for some books, but those plans may change if I wake up to snow on the ground.  The Old Faithful Inn will be closing tomorrow for the season.  All guests will have to be checked out by a certain time, so I may wander over there and just read and watch the activity.  Last time I did this I was able to explore the Inn and look at several rooms to see what the place offered in case I ever wanted to stay there with Cathy in the future.

  Said good bye to Mary one of our assistant manager types.  I have worked with her before and she is a great worker.  Her husband works for the park service and because of that they get to live in one of the employee apartments that we have in the park.  Nice accommodations I hear. 

   Today was my friend Jack's 85th birthday.  I bought a birthday card and had all the employees sign it.  I gave it to him at breakfast when Jim presented Jack with a waffle with a candle in it.  We all sang happy birthday to him.  I think he had a pretty good day.  He also got several calls from friends wishing him a happy birthday.  Jack's birthday with he said was the ability to turn back the clock and grow younger.  He is a great friend and I have been blessed to know this christian man.

   Well that is about all for today.  I hope you all got to church and worshiped out great God.  Take care and be kind.

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