Monday, October 18, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 71 (Day Off)

   Today I promised my co-worker Bob that I would take him to his dermatologist appointment in Bozeman.  He asked me several weeks ago as he cannot drive.  We left the dorm area around 9AM and the day was excellent for traveling.  The temperature at the dorm was around 35 degrees and sunny but in Bozeman it was 60 degrees.  Which is very good for October the 18th.  We got to Bozeman around 11:30AM and I let Bob off at the dermatology center while I went walking around the area.  The area that the center was in was pretty much brand new.  They had businesses and shops and a lot of apartments.  I wondered what it would be like to live in one of those apartments for the winter.  

View from the apartment area

  I managed to walk about a mile and a half around the area and was surprised on how clean the area was.  They even had a mini park and dog exercising area.

  After Bob finished his appointment we headed for Wal-Mart to get some stuff.  I was very shocked on how bad the Wal-Mart looked.  The aisles were full of boxes of stuff that needed to be put on the shelves.  There were no cashiers on any checkout lane.  Everyone had to go through the self checkout scan lanes.  I also found out that this Wal-Mart was paying $20 an hour and still cannot find enough people to work.  I also know that Bozeman's rent and housing costs have gone through the roof.  It seems a lot of people are leaving California and coming there as many can work from home.  It is looking like a liberal Bloomington Indiana.  :)

   After leaving Wal-Mart we got lunch at Jimmy Johns and then headed to the book store.  Bob is an avid reader and usually buys several books when he has a chance.  After the bookstore we got gas at $3.43 per gallon and then headed back to West Yellowstone so Bob could get a new prescription.  Once we entered Yellowstone area we saw a moose by the side of the road.  The first moose I have seen along that area in 6 years.  After West Yellowstone we headed back into the park and saw a lot of Elk and were stopped by a bison road block.  We got plenty of picutres and I hope it is my last bison road block of the 2021 season.  That is about all for today.  We are supposed to get some groceries delivered tomorrow.  I hope so as we have nothing on our shelves to sell.  We may also get some snow tonight but I don't know how much.  I will see when I get up tomorrow.  Thanks for reading and enjoy the pictures.

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