Sunday, October 17, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 70 (TGIF)

    Woke up early this morning, even though I did not work until 1PM.  I wanted to get a start on my laundry and I figured there would be no one else doing laundry at 8AM.  I was right.  We only have two working dryers now.  A fire took out one and the other one went nuclear and had to be shut down.  I got my laundry done and then went back to the dorm for some Bible study and communion.  

   After lunch I went into work but as has been lately there is not very much to do unless it involves pop, beer or sandwiches.  We are supposed to get a truck load of grocery items to put on the shelves tomorrow night, but until then it is mostly busy work and answering questions from the tourists.

   The weather today was great for October the 17th.  I think the high made it into the lower 50's.  That is why we had a lot of tourists, but I hear that our weather may soon be changing.  The extended forecast for when I leave looks like 3 to 5 inches of snow could be headed our way.  I don't like to hear that but nothing I can do about it.  If the weather is OK I will head back on I90.  If not then I will head back on I80 through Idaho.  I cannot make any firm hotel reservations yet as I don't know what direction I will be heading for sure.  I posted on Facebook that the weather is such that a person could slip and fall on black ice and while they are laying there get a tan.  You see at 7,400 feet in altitude the sun just beats down on you here.  We still are selling sun screen.

   That is about all for now.  Take care.

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