Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 58

    I decided that on this day off, before the weather turns cold, I would travel down the Madison River valley and check out the river and trails.  The weather here has been great but the extended forcast will be cold and rainy.  I got up and headed to the EDR for a quick breakfast and then I headed out. I stopped several times to look for animals but never saw anything until I reached genesis creek and a nice looking fox came up out of the river.  I tried to get a picture but the fox did not cooperate.  It is the first fox I have seen in Yellowstone in quite some time. I stopped by the Madison River before leaving the park to see if any eagles were there. The river was calm but no eagles feeding this morning.  I left the park and stopped in West Yellowstone to call Cathy. 

   After leaving West Yellowstone I headed to Bannack, a ghost town about 2.5 hours down the Madison River valley.  I decided to stop at several places along the river to explore and talk to the fishermen.  It seems that this time of year there is good fishing in the Madison.  Many many boats were in the river and many fishermen were in the river with their waders fly fishing.  I stopped by Ennis and explored their river access before heading to Virginia City, a ghost town several miles down the road.  When I got to the overlook before Virginia City I decided to eat my PBnJ lunch.  The view at the top of the hill was great.  When I arrived at Virginia City and Nevada City I found out that both places were pretty much shut down as it was October the 5th.  That made me think that Bannack would probably not be opened to explore when I arrived there.  So I decided to head back to West Yellowstone.  On the way back I stopped off at a few places along the river and did some more exploring and picture taking. I arrived back into Yellowstone and stopped by the genesis of the Madison.  This made me think that I witness the start of the great river and followed it for around 100 miles today.  It is a great river to just watch and it seems a great river to fish in.  That is about all for today.  Back to work tomorrow.  Thanks for reading.

My lunch time view

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