Monday, October 4, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 57 (Day Off)

  Well I managed to sleep in today a whopping one hour extra.  I started the truck to let it warm up, as it was 25 degrees.  I then went to the EDR and collected my sack lunch, PBnJ. I made some hot tea for the road and headed to West Yellowstone.  I wanted to get to west to call Cathy and then Don and Norma.  Just to check in and see what was going on.  After the phone calls I headed to Bozeman, as I wanted to look at the book store and to pick up a birthday card for a co-worker.  On the way to Bozeman I decided to get a three mile hike in and stopped off at a trail called Fawn Pass.  It was about 35 degrees when I started out but I quickly warmed up.  You can see pictures below of the trail.  When I left the open valley and got into the woods I was startled, scared really, by an owl.  I guess we sneaked up on each other and he was close to the ground evidently perched for the night.  He flapped his wings and zoomed out of the trees.  The noise he made had me worried that I scared up a cougar.  Needless to say my heart did not slow down for a while.  I made it to the intersection of the trail with a horse trail that would loop back to my truck.  I took the new trail and all was well until the trail met the fast running creek.  Now horses could cross with no issues, but it was a little too deep for me to try on a cold morning.  So I explored the bank some to see if there was any place where the dry rocks could be used as a bridge to cross.  But they were spaced to far apart for me to jump and have confidence that I would not fall into the creek.  So I ended up going back the same route I took getting there.  The trail was very nice and other than the owl I saw no wildlife at all.

   I reached Bozeman around noon and went to eat at one of my favorite places. Panda Express.  After a hearty lunch I headed to the mall.  The still have a Barnes and Nobel bookstore, which is nice.  I search but did not find anything worth buying, so I headed to the Hallmark store and got a birthday card.  I am going to try to get everyone to sign it at work before giving it to my friend.  

   After getting some gas I left Bozeman and headed to Livingston, where I would then head south into the North entrance of Yellowstone.  I decided to go this route to see if I could see any bear, but all I saw on the way back to the dorm was more elk and bison. When I got back to the dorm I found out that wolves had taken down an elk close to us and maybe tomorrow I will go in search of that to view.  That is about all for today.  The weather was perfect for hiking and exploring and tomorrow should be the same.  Take care.

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