Saturday, October 23, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 76 (Final Night)

   Well tonight will be my last night sleeping in the dorm.  I work around 3 hours tomorrow and then head home.  The grocery department is pretty thin now and there is really not much to do when I am working.  I worked 3.5 hours today and called it quits at noon.  The shelves are practically empty and most of the freezers have been defrosted and turned off.  Mostly ensuring that there was water to buy and cleaning shelves.  The fountain closed after today and will be cleaned tomorrow, so there will not be any food sold other than our sandwiches.  Everyone is getting laundry done and packing.  It started to spit snow today and by evening we had maybe a half an inch on the ground.  I hope the snow does not accumulate much over night as I would like to get on the road tomorrow at 11AM.  I will be getting up early tomorrow to shower and pack the final tote.  I will get all my stuff turned in and ensure that I am ready to hit the road when I can.  Tomorrow I will also be saying goodbye to my friends and co-workers.  That is usually the toughest part of leaving.  I have made new friends this year and got to reacquaint myself with my old friends.  Well that is about it. Tomorrow I will write my last entry from Billings' Super 8 as I head home.  Take care.

A tradition continues with putting my year on the wall in grocery.

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