Friday, August 26, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 100

  One hundred days working at the park. Who would have figured I would have made it this long? Not that time is flying by but it has in some respects gone quickly.  Carrie put up next week's schedule and it officially shows my last day of work. I have a day shift on Sunday September the 4th and after checking out with Carrie or Garth I will make a slow trip home. I am still working on a route home and what stops I want to make.
   The store was pretty dead today. We had a very cold rain this morning and I think that slowed the tourists coming to the store until the afternoon. I stocked all morning and never even had one transaction processed at my register until I came back from afternoon break at two thirty. The bosses are really in the planning stage of how to handle the staff when quite a few leave after the 4th of September. Jack has been trying to bribe his co-worker Bill into staying through October, but so far Bill has not budged. I think jack will try to increase the bribe in coming days.
  That is about all that has happened today as it was a very slow day, but being payday helped.  Take care you all and remember God is always watching.


  1. Congrats on the 100 days. I knew you could do it. I have really enjoyed being on the trip with you thru your blog. Prayers for your last week and trip home.

  2. Have a great trip home. Like Lester, I have very much enjoyed my virtual trip to Yellowstone and the surrounding area. It was good to be reminded of places seen before,and to see through your eyes, those I haven't seen. You write very well,Bret. Prayers as you finish and return home. Is Cathy flying out to meet you? Sandi

    1. Thanks for the kind words. Cathy will not be flying out but as soon as I get home we will be heading out on a vacation.
