Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 103

  Was able to sleep in today as I moved to late shift.   Got up after eight to get some laundry done. After laundry and some reading I headed for lunch and to clock in for work.  Business at eleven thirty was pretty steady and I cashiered for all the first part of the shift. My floor supervisor Robert came by and commented that there was a fire on the other side of the hill that we can see from our window. Sure enough there was smoke rising over the hill and quite a bit of it.  The way the park approaches fires is to let them burn unless they get out of control and start moving to major populated areas. So far this fire is just being allowed to burn.
  After break I went back to work and business slowed down enough that some cashiers were allowed to leave early. I went to work in the refrigerators and grocery section.  I had a pleasant surprise tonight in that a man by the name of Justin and his wife Leslie stopped by to say hello.  I met Justin a couple months back when I stopped to watch the Great Fountain Geyser erupt. While we waited for the eruption we talked for quite some time and I told him about my blog. They both have been following my adventure through my blog and stopped by to say hi as they came back to Yellowstone for a visit.  It sure was good to see him again and meet his wife. I told them they would make it in the blog tonight. Justin and Leslie thanks for reading about my adventure.
  Not much to my Friday and looking forward to a couple of days off. I will be hiking tomorrow and I will visit Big Springs on Wednesday. I hope to find a nice easy hike to end my adventure with.  Take care you all and keep smiling.

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