Sunday, August 7, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 80

   Another late shift and it is hump day Wednesday for me. I got up early to get some laundry done. I have learned a few things about doing laundry in the dorm. One thing is to always check the washer and dryer before doing my clothes. I have found socks, panties and underwear left in the dryers and washers. After putting the clothes in to wash I head out to the store to read in one of the chairs on the store's front porch. Business was pretty light and I had my choice of chairs to sit on. I read for awhile until it was time to put the clothes in the dryer. I have learned also in the dorm to not leave your clothes in the washer or dryer very long after the cycle is over. We only have four washer and dryers and people get pretty ansi waiting to do their laundry.
  After laundry I headed for lunch. Chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes. A good way to start the day for sure. After lunch I headed into the store to get my til. I was assigned a cashier in the apparel section next to the penny squishing machine. So I have to have a lot of quarters and pennies for the tourists. Man that machine is always busy. It did not take long before my day turned from good to bad. Looking up I saw a girl in the aisle in front of me projectile vomit onto the floor and the rack of shirts we sell.  If we have spills we have learned to get on the walkie talkie and call the custodian. Then our job is to guard the spill area to keep customers from slipping until the custodian gets there. With vomit the area has to be watched longer as the custodian has to get special chemicals to clean the area. Nothing like straddling a bunch of vomit informing those approaching to stop and go around. They give me looks and I just point to the chunks on the floor. Yes the highlight of the first part of my shift. 
  After the custodian arrived the area was cleaned up and business picked up. Worked pretty hard until I got relieved and was grateful for the break.
   On a side note. I checked the schedule this morning and Carrie arranged for me to get next Thursday off. I will have my normal Tuesday off and work Wednesday and then have Thursday off for the hike with Jack and George and whomever signs up. Really looking forward to this one as there is supposed to be wildlife in the area where we will hike.
   After dinner I headed back into store. Luckily no vomet this time. The second part of the shift went well. Talked to a couple from Gary Indiana. We joked about the northern Indiana folks not venturing too far south past Indianapolis and visa versa. They agreed as they were not familiar with much in southern Indiana.  
   Business slowed down and I headed to the refrigerator. Was not my night for stacking beer as a bottle broke and sprayed on my shoes and a can of beer got punctured and sprayed my arm. Don't like the way I smell right now. 
   Sitting in the dorm common room now with coworkers working on the blog and watching the Olympics on TV. I still cannot believe the language being used by the guys and gals today. They use the F word as freely as they breath and it does not matter the sex of those around. I have been praying hard for those around me as God has a lot of work to-do to get to the hearts of these young people. 
  That is about all for today. Church tomorrow morning with Jack. I have invited several others and have been praying that a few would come.  Take care you all and stay well.

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