Sunday, August 14, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 88

   Today is last day of day shift as tomorrow I switch to late shift, but tomorrow is my Friday and that will be good. Breakfast was biscuits and gravy. My favorite breakfast and a good way to start the day.
  Clocked in at seven and went immediately to work in the grocery refrigerator stocking goods. For a Sunday business was very very slow, but then again Saturday and Sunday have not been busy days for a few weeks. Not too much happened during the morning shift and I stayed in the grocery area helping them stock food all morning.
   Doris replaced me at eleven thirty and I headed to the EDR for lunch. It was fish day and since I do not like fish I made myself a, yes you know, peanut butter and jelly sandwich. After lunch I headed to the dorm to read for awhile and took a short nap.
  Clocked back in at two thirty and replaced Doris. The afternoon was slow so the boss asked me to help stock the refrigerator. It did not take me long to get it back in shape and I headed back to my cash register. There was a couple standing in line waiting to be checked out and I called them over so they would not have to wait. I thought the man looked familiar but could not place him. As I was checking them out they also kept staring at me too. Eventually I totaled everything and he handed me his credit card. As I took the card the man said "Aren't you Bret Hobbs?" And then I looked at the name on the card and said "Yes and your Jim Linneweber." We all laughed. They asked me about being here and I explained what I was doing.  Linda told me that this was their first real vacation in about seven years as she was battling kidney issues. Recently she got a kidney transplant and now they can get farther from home. That definitely is good news. They were on their way down to the Tetons after Yellowstone and I gave them some advice on what they might want to see and do there. After talking for a few minutes I bid them goodbye. I thought what a small world that two people from Linton would be visiting Yellowstone at the same time I am working and come to my register.
   Not too much else went on but before I clocked out I went to the other cash registers and told Andrew goodbye. Andrew's last day is today and he is heading out after he clocks out today. Andrew is a good kid and he has helped me see a lot of geysers here. His hobby is being a so called geyser chaser. He works with the rangers as a volunteer in tracking when the geysers go off. He has been trying to get me to see Fan and Mortar since I got here, but it just has not gone off when I am around and off. He is heading back to California and to college. He is a smart kid and as a great knowledge of the geysers in the area.
   Well after clocking out the EDR had BLTs for dinner and they were great.  I am now sitting in the dorm watching the Cubs play those evil Cardinals. After awhile I will head over to the rec center for night church services. Jack, who went to the morning services, told me that this is the last Sunday for services. The young kids that put on the services will be leaving to go back to college soon. I will be discussing with Jack about having a Bible study for the next few weeks. I think I can come up with some material to study on the rest of the time I am here.
  We also had an incident where a co-worker fell in the dorm and was taken by ambulance to the medical center as they think she stove in a rib or hurt her shoulder.  She was a late hire by Delaware North and in my opinion was a prime example of this group just filling a hole and not caring the shape of the person they are hiring. She is a very frail individual who I guess is between sixty five and seventy years old. It did not suprise me that she hurt herself in a fall in the dorm. The world of temporary workers is an interesting one.
  That is about it. Take care and stay well.

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