Saturday, August 27, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 101

   Today was an interesting day. It started out early with breakfast and conversations with fellow employees. I went to clock in and someone told me to read the press release under the clock in station. The press release detailed another death in Yellowstone last night. It seems that at three fifteen in the morning a person fell from the grand view station overlooking the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. They fell to their death a few hundred feet below. A sad way to go but I would put money on it that alcohol was involved. Three fifteen in the morning is not the time for a group of people to be viewing the canyon.
  I clocked in and basically put up stock all morning in all departments. Business was incredibly dead. In fact the bosses have been told to start letting people go early to cut costs. I stocked until lunch time and was glad for the break as I would rather be busy than just roaming around fronting stock and looking for something to do when in reality the place was ready for tourists by nine in the morning. My other co-workers were grumbling also about nothing to do but make work.
  After lunch a very nice Australian woman came to my register and asked "Can I use a credit card no matter how small the purchase is?" I told her "Yes, we have no restrictions on amount." She went on to explain that in Australia they do not let you use a credit card unless the amount is fairly high. I said jokingly "Well if your country had not started out as a British penal colony there would be more trust." She laughed and said I was very "cheeky". First time I have been called that for sure.
  The rest of the afternoon was fairly steady but not overly busy. Close to five Garth came by and told me to pull my til and check out. I did not argue and got off around forty minutes early. Dinner was excellent.  Left over turkey and mashed potatoes and water melon. I am once again at the Old Faithful Inn composing this blog and being serenaded by the Inn's musicians. Only six more working days left. The south entrance is still closed due to fires in the Grand Tetons. Beartooth pass is still closed due to snow. Days are getting noticiblely shorter and nights are getting a lot colder.  Take care you all and have a great worship service tomorrow. I will be having Bible study tomorrow at seven in the evening as I work early shift. Take care of each other and look out for each other.

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