Monday, August 22, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 96

   Got up today to a very emotional day around here. After breakfast I clocked in and went to work in the grocery store. Around eight thirty the van arrived to take Steven, Daniel and Cindy to Boseman. Cindy had been crying since breakfast and Steven and Daniel started to cry as everyone who could gathered around the van to say goodbye. Jack stood outside the van with the Dominican flag and Carrie helped get every one into the van and on their way. There was crying in the van and several saying goodbye were crying also. After the van left we then said goodbye to Ken and Dianne who drove off around nine. So sad to see some go but as Bob said this goes on every year. Some people keep track of each other via Facebook but most never see each other again.
  The morning was pretty slow and not much happened. Was relieved at eleven thirty and headed for lunch.  At lunch Carrie my boss handed out tee shirts for us to wear on Wednesday and Thursday. They will be celebrating Christmas in August on Wednesday and one of the tee shirts is a Yellowstone Christmas one. The other tee shirt is for Thursday and it celebrates the centennial of the national park service. Both tee shirts are mine to keep after I leave here.
  After lunch break I headed back into the store and it was pretty busy. A lot busier than it has been lately for sure. I was glad to be relieved at five thirty. 
  Since tomorrow is my day off I think I will try to climb to the top of Mount Washburn. Now don't go thinking that this is a major climb. It is not. I will climb to the top and to the ranger lookout station, but from the highest parking lot on the mountain. After the climb I think I will head to a Yellowstone valley to try to view some wildlife. 
  Since I am on day shift now I will be on late shift on my last week of work. So I talked to Carrie about getting shifted to day shift on my last day so I can leave right after work. Carrie said she normally does this for everyone leaving and she will make sure she gets my schedule changed too. I thanked her.
  That is all for today. The West Yellowstone fire is still getting bigger but so far no issues where I live now. Take care you all.

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