Saturday, August 6, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 79

   After today I have thirty one days to go. Who would have thunk it. :) Slept in again today and got up around nine to watch some Mike and Mike on TV. At eleven I went to lunch and the cooks did a great job. Especially since their ovens have been broke for a few weeks.  After lunch I headed into the store and was assigned to grocery area to cashier. Kathy was my boss today as Robert gets the next two days off. Kathy is a pretty good boss as she is mostly on top of all the issues before they happen. 
   Got to meet a guy from Uruguay today and I talked to a guy from Maine who has seen a Delaware license plate and in their license plate game they needed Hawaii. They said they got their Delaware license plate before they left the east coast. I laughed and said that I did not think anyone from that state traveled farther than two states away. I also talked to some Hoosiers from Griffith Indiana. 
   Business was hopping during the first part of my shift and I was glad to get relieved as my legs were getting tired.
  The EDR prepared hamburgers and cheeseburgers on the outdoor grill tonight. A very good meal. After dinner I headed back into a pretty dead store. That was because Old Faithful was just about to go off and the tourists were packed around it. After the eruption business picked up until around seven and then it was into the refrigerator for stocking. I also had to stock the wine and whisky area too.  The rest of the evening was very pleasant and before I knew it it was time to count out the til and clock out.
   Today the store added another worker to work in the fountain. I don't know where they are getting workers this late in the year but my guess is that they were fired or quit one of the other contractors here.  At lunch and dinner several of the college and foreign workers were counting the days until they were to leave. In about two weeks we start to lose about a third of our work force. It is going to be interesting to see how the shifts get worked out. They change the store hours to be closing earlier after labor day but with the lack of workforce we may experience, they may start closing the store earlier. Who knows.
  That about does it for today. I know it is boring but thanks for reading anyway. Take care and be nice to one another.

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