Friday, August 19, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 93

   Second day back to work and business was slow again. So because this was a slow day with nothing special happening I thought I would treat you with a poem created by my co-worker, friend and our poet laureate William. Now to give you a little background William is around twenty two years old and has an appetite like Shaggy on Scooby-Doo. When we have pizza Fridays here, William has been restricted to three slices of pizza. I usually eat just one slice and go get my extra slices for him. This also goes for desserts and bacon.  He is lucky to find a job that will feed him or else he would go broke. Over the past few months I have explained to William my desire to get a Delaware license plate so that for the first time in my life I can complete the license plate game.  He is a very articulate guy and has been creating situational poems for quite some time.  A couple of weeks ago he came to me with the following poem:

I once met a man named Bret
He is one I won't soon forget
Providing pizza a plenty
And blogging intently
He held an incurable wit

This man worked hard in a store
And may seem an insufferable bore
He would not speak profanity
He talked with me plainly
And now I can't help but adore

He came from the land Indiana
This guy seemed like quite the planner
With a raised clenched fist
Finishing his bucket list
He gave pizza as though it were manna

This man had a sleek sense of style
And kept it quite hidden in guile
Out the window he would stare
Searching for plates of Delaware

To accomplish a dream infantile

   I hope you all enjoyed the poem as it made me smile. Have a great day and keep smiling.