Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 84

   Today I am foregoing my usual blog because I got word today that my friend John Griggs just passed away. As I have said before one of the hardest things about being gone during this summer is when people I know pass away.  John was a good friend and like myself loved the west and the mountains but more importantly John loved the Lord and knew Jesus Christ as his saviour. I worked with John several years and one of my favorite things was the small hikes John and I took during lunchtime at Crane. During those times John and I would talk about many things but we mostly grappled with the scriptures. I would be preparing a message and I would tell John the gyst of the message and then ask his opinion on some part of the it. His favorite question to me after I delivered a message was "Did you preach on sin and if so are you for it or against it?" He had a lot of wisdom when it came to the Bible and I learned a lot from our discussions. Did we agree on everything in our discussions, no.  But we did agree on Jesus Christ as the only way to heaven.
  John was also an excellent worker and not one time did I ever hear anyone say he did not pull his weight. I think that John believed like I do that you work everyday as if working for the Lord. His likeable character enabled him to make friends easily.  His nickname at work was mountain man because he and Maryann built a cabin up on Flathead Lake in Montana and even wintered over in that primitive cabin one year. He was truly a mountain man.
  John was also a great family man who loved his wife Maryann and his kids and grandkids so very much. He would talk about them all on our hikes and would just beam with love and pride.
  When we worked at Crane my building was up the road from John's and I would come out and wait for John to appear to take a hike. Sometimes I could not make the walk and John would just head out on his own. Well when I heard that John passed away all I can think of is that John has headed out on a glorious hike without me, but one day I know I will see John again.
  Rest in peace John and remember to "Watch your topknot." All my love and prayers to you and your family Maryann.


  1. So sorry for the loss of your friend, Bret. Glad he was a good Christian man.

  2. Losing a friend is never easy, but knowing where he is gives a lot of peace, doesn't it?

  3. Losing a friend is never easy, but knowing where he is gives a lot of peace, doesn't it?
