Saturday, August 20, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 94

   Today did not start very good. Last night the temperatures dipped into the mid twenties and the dorm room heater does not work. I only had one blanket and I was woke up several times with freezing feet. So I did not get much sleep at all. I found George this morning and he pulled two blankets out of storage for me to use. 
  After a nice long hot shower I headed to the EDR for lunch. They grilled hamburgers outside and had french fries. It was a good lunch. Headed into the store and found very little business to support eight cashiers. Garth must have thought the same thing as he approached me and Kai about altering our shifts. We would work from eleven thirty to two thirty and then from three until five thirty. I told him yes I would do that but man I was looking forward to the three hour break and a nap. Oh well I will get to bed early for sure tonight.
   After my half hour break I went back to store and worked with Mika's group. I have never had Mika as a supervisor before and she runs her shift pretty well.  Business was steady for about two hours and I was grateful for that as I was very tired from lack of sleep and did not want to just stand around. Five thirty came and I was off. I went to the EDR and had cereal for dinner. I also said goodbye to Gigi. She has worked in the EDR since she got here from the Dominican Republic. She is a very nice person who always has a smile for those who come into the EDR. She will be missed by the EDR for sure. Her co-worker Stephen leaves the next day.
  I am washing the blankets now and once they are clean I am heading to bed. Take care you all and I hope you have great worship services tomorrow. I will be leading a Bible study tomorrow and I pray it will be well attended.
  P.s. I also said goodbye to Kira and Kayla today. They are both heading out tomorrow at seven. They are cashiers and occasionally work on the same shift as I do. I am praying for all who are leaving as they all have a long road and major decisions ahead of them.

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