Saturday, August 13, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 87

   Today was another day shift day and I still did not sleep well. This was because a couple of co-workers decided that eleven thirty at night is a good time to be screaming and yelling. I got up and paid them a visit and at breakfast pounded in the point that quiet hours start at ten. They both apologized but I think alcohol was the main culprit.
  After breakfast I headed into the store and was sent immediately to the refrigerator to stock. The day was very slow and I worked stocking all morning until lunch break. At lunch we found out that not only are the ovens still broke in the EDR but now the automatic dishwasher is broken. So the cooks barbequed chicken and potatoes for lunch and set up picnic tables for us to eat outside. Pretty neat and the food was very good too. They don't know how long the dishwasher will be down but it looks like awhile and we will be eating out of paper plates and using plastics silverware for awhile.
  During lunch I watched the Cubs play the cardinals for awhile. Seems their winning streak came to an end today. But it was a good run for sure. 
   After lunch I went back and worked the counter for awhile. I had a guy come to me and want to get his money back on a hair brush he bought. The package was clearly opened and when I asked him if it was used. He sort of hesitated and said no. I then ask why he wanted to return it and he said the package clearly states that California thinks the chemicals that makes the brush may cause cancer. I said that was on the package when he bought it and may not be a good reason to return it. He kept stating he did not want any product that may cause cancer. I called my supervisor over and let Kathy handle it. I could tell by her face that the guy's reason was pretty strange but she said yes give him his money back. I processed the return of a whopping $2.30 and sent him on his way. Before he left my station I looked over the receipt and noticed that he probably bought products that equally could cause cancer as that hair brush.
   It must been my day for customers because another elderly gentleman chastised me for not returning his bills facing all the same way. I looked at him and I guess from being tired said "I don't need to because I can tell the difference between a number 1 and a number 5." He looked at me and just grunted took his change and walked away. My patience is getting thin for tourists with attitudes.
  Spent most of the afternoon stocking groceries as it was not very busy at all. I was glad to be away from the tourists too. After the afternoon shift ended I clocked out and the EDR had lunch meat sandwiches for dinner. I decided to have cereal which is always available instead.
  I think after dinner I will head to the Old Faithful Inn and do some reading. You all take care and enjoy your Sunday. Worship God well. 

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