Monday, August 8, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 82

   Early shift today and very easy to get up because I was freezing. I had the fan on when I went to bed and the temperature dropped to below thirty degrees outside and with an open window it was very cold. Needless to say the hot shower was extra good this morning. After a breakfast of eggs and hashbrowns I headed into the store at seven. After setting up my til and cash register I began working with Anita to put up stock in the kids section of the store. They have some pretty neat toys for kids and some pretty good science projects for kids to work on. Business was pretty light until around ten thirty and then it was only moderately busy at the register. 
   Got relieved at eleven thirty and headed to the EDR for lunch. We got a surprise at lunch because James and Kathy brought in fresh corn on the cob for all of us to eat. Man was it ever good. 
  After lunch I called Cathy as she sent me a picture of our new sink. She did a great job picking out a nice one and Chuck Moss did an excellent job installing it. In case  anyone is interested we have our old double sink for sale. Just contact Cathy about it. I have said this before but Cathy is doing a fantastic job of keeping up the house while I am gone. She has really fixed up the house with some paint and new furniture and I may not recognize the place when I get home.
  After break I headed back into the store and man was it ever busy. The highlight of the afternoon shift was that I met a guy from Canada with the first name Tyrel and I asked him where he got that name. He said his folks were Louis L'Amour fans and he was named after one of the Sacketts. I laughed and told him my son has a middle name of Tyrel for the same reason and my younger son is also named Logan after a Sackett. I told him to hold that name proudly as it is a good tradition. 
   After shift and dinner I decided to head up to Solitary geyser and search for huckleberries as George told me he saw some berry blossoms recently there and thought they were growing. I have never seen a huckleberry before so I thought I would try looking on the hillside for some.  
   Well right now I am sitting at Solitary geyser writing this blog with some red berries in my pocket. I took some samples of berries from a couple of bushes I found and will get a seasoned Montanan to tell me if they are unripened Huck's or some other berry. It is sure peaceful up here sitting on a log as most tourists do not want to climb up a hill to see anything. The breeze is blowing the sulphur smell right at me and the geyser is bubbling and erupting every ten minutes or so. The sun is going down and I can tell the days are getting shorter here and the nights are getting colder. Temperature for the nights this week may hover in the low thirties. I am thinking that it will not be long before snow starts to show high up in the mountains again.
  Well that is about all for now. I will be getting up early and heading into Cody tomorrow with a stop at the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone to take a look at the south rim side. I asked the EDR to pack two sandwiches as I will be eating lunch in Cody and dinner on an over look tomorrow coming back from Cody. Speaking of Cody, there is a large fire in the area and the fire fighters were using planes to dowse the fire from water pulled from the Cody reservoir. Kathy and James has pictures they were showing me of the planes skimming the reservoir to fill up and the heading off to the fire to dump their load. Pretty neat pictures and videos for sure.
   Well take care you all. Thinking and praying for those at home.

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