Monday, August 15, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 89

    Today is my Friday and it is a late shift. So I got up early to get some laundry done. I wanted to let you know how nice the services were last night. Unfortunately last night was the last Sunday that the group will be doing services in the park. As I said most of the young people running the services will be leaving soon. So last night's services ended with us standing in a circle and praying. The group thanked God for all He has done this summer and we also prayed for all those heading back to school. Many people in the circle, including myself, prayed. It was great. Also one of the guys I have been inviting to church came last night. I will be trying to have a Bible study next Sunday and I hope to get some co-workers to come as some were wary of going to the church services.
  Since I have been writing this blog I have had many people view pages on it.  I use Google to host my blog and one of the things it does is track the number of views and where the people are coming from. So far I have had over 8,000 views. Here are some statistics of where people are coming from that are reading my blog. It is interesting to me and I hope it is to you.

United States 7811
Germany 68
France  67
Singapore 16
Belize 13
China 13
Netherlands 9
Sint Maarten 6
Ireland 4
Latvia 3

   After laundry was done I grabbed my Clive Cussler book and headed to the store's front porch to read and people watch until lunchtime.  The EDR had grilled hamburger steaks and mashed potatoes for lunch. Excellent and pecan pie for dessert. 
   I entered the store and set up my til. The store was fairly busy and I worked the apparel cash register for all the first part of my shift. I took over the register from Cheryl. Who is a new cashier hire. She seemed pretty nice and asked me a few questions about cashing people out. 
  After my break and dinner I returned to work. Business was still fairly busy but slowed down around six thirty. I then was assigned to the refrigerator to get it back in shape. Before I left the store floor I stopped by to say goodbye to Mary. It was her last day of work and she will be leaving tomorrow to head back to Texas and school. I gave her a hug and told her to make good decisions and try not to be led into bad decisions by just emotions. She said she would try and I will pray for her tonight as I know she has some tough roads ahead of her.
  That is about it and I am glad it is my Friday. Still thinking of what to do tomorrow but I am leaning toward heading to West Yellowstone and shooting some special guns. Jacob and Logan sent me some money for Father's Day to shoot some old guns at a place in West Yellowstone. You all take care and thanks for reading.


  1. Very nice Bret, keep up the encouragement for your friends there. You will do great on the Bible Study as I always enjoyed your Bible class. Will be praying for you.
