Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 98

  Today was a rest day, sort of. I got up early for breakfast and headed down the road. My first stop would be gas at West Yellowstone. The park rangers shut down all the pullouts on the way there because the fire was just across the Gibbon River and over the hill. Smoke was not bad but about half way to West Yellowstone there was a couple of spots on my side of the hill that were smoldering from being burned recently. Pretty close for sure and I am sure the park is keeping a close eye on the fires jumping the Gibbon River. That would not be good. I was able to get some video and pictures of a big elk laying by the river before I exited the park.
  After filling up the car with gas I headed north to see a town called Big Sky Montana. I was told by one of my co-workers that it is an interesting ski town. I left the main highway and headed to the mountains that this town sits close by. The closer I approached the town the more I felt that the area reminded me of Vail Colorado.  The area has tons of walking paths and after awhile all the power lines and telephone lines disappeared. Yes this town did not want any eye pollution spoiling the views. I like that for sure. Approaching the town I noticed that all the buildings had the same chalet theme going. I would guess they have some strict building codes here. I drove past a nice golf course and through the town. Yes most of the businesses were very upscale and not one really called my name to stop by for a look. Farther past the town I could see many many ski slopes carved into the mountain. I would imagine that this town is hopping in the winter snow season. Also by the looks of how many coffee shops there were, they have to keep a lot of people warm. A nice looking town and it has a lot of appealing houses but I am sure the place is well out of my budget.
  Getting back on the main road I headed to Boseman Montana. I wanted to do some antique shopping. More like antique browsing but still fun. Along the way I spotted an eagle sitting in a tree over the Gallitin River. I pulled over to look at it and the river.  Man it was sure pretty there.  I stopped by two very big antique shops and spent almost two hours browsing through both of them. They had some very fine stuff and the amount of antique furniture in them was amazing. Some very nice pieces for sure. I did buy an antique hand mixer to add to my collection. Sorry Cathy you will have to find a spot for it. :) 
   After antique shopping I found a Barnes and Noble in the Boseman mall. I needed some more books to finish out my adventure here. Much to my surprise the place had Wi-Fi and it's speed was excellent. So I managed to update my phone and browse for some books. 
   Since it was now after noon I entered the mall and looked for their food court. Another bonus, the mall had a Chinese restaurant. Yes! Fast Wi-Fi and Chinese food and several books I was looking for. The day was great for sure. For a mall the Chinese dishes were excellent and before I left I let the workers know this. Since I have worked on the other side of the register I have tried to make those working in similar jobs smile if I can.
  Leaving the mall I set the GPS to get me to Yellowstone via the north entrance through Livingston Montana to Gardiner Montana.  The drive takes me along I 90 East before exiting at Livingston. The drive was excellent and the views of the mountains we very pretty.  Turning south at Livingston I headed for Gardiner. The drive allowed me some excellent views of the Beartooth mountains from the side opposite of where I have seen them crossing over them to Red Lodge Montana. I reached Gardiner and it was a full on tourist town. Many many hotels, motels and lodges. Plus many many eating places. Basically bordering Yellowstone was a boon for the town and the area. Also having the Yellowstone River passing through was a bonus too.  
   Passing through Gardiner I entered the park and headed to Mammoth to make my way south to the Old Faithful area. One of the interesting things about mammoth is the elk just like to wander through the area and to rest on the lawns. Sure enough there were many elk in the grass just outside of the shops. It really amazes me how they just stand around paying very little attention to the tourists walking down the sidewalks ten feet from them.
  Heading south I managed to make it back to the geyser area and the dorm with only one bison road block. Tonight Delaware North is closing the store early so that the employees can celebrate Christmas in August. The get together is tonight at seven until nine. I am trying now to get my laundry done so I can attend. I will take this opportunity to talk to the Taiwanese about what Christmas is all about.
  On a sad note. Yesterday Willy and his wife left for home. Willy's mom had slipped into a coma and he wanted to get to her as soon as he could. When he told me this I just did a Nick Moore. I stopped what I was doing and asked him if I could pray for his mom and him. He said yes and we prayed together. Willy worked in the EDR and he will be missed. He was a good worker. Please say a prayer for Willy's mom and his travels, as he has three days of traveling to get to the middle of Texas. Thanks.
  That is about all for my second day off. I uploaded videos and pictures to Facebook of my day's adventure. Working day shift tomorrow and nine days of work to go. Take care and keep praying.

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