Sunday, August 28, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 102

   Got up today for my last day shift before switching to night shift tomorrow. Five more work days left before I leave. 
   After breakfast I got my til and like usual did stock all morning. Mostly in the grocery but some in knick knacks. Business was slow today until after lunch break. Then from three until five thirty it was pretty steady. I think the uptick in business made Garth happy. Once I got a break in business I went to look for items placed by tourists in areas they should not be. I found a fifth of Jack Daniels on a shelf in the kids toy section. I know we are trying to up sell but not booze in the kids section. 
  Today I met couples from Switzerland, England, Scotland, France and Italy. They all loved the park and the Italians actually said that driving in the US was much better than driving in Europe.  
   A couple of reports from customers indicated that a grizzly bear is still feeding on the carcass of a bison in Hayden Valley. On my day off I may venture over there for a look.
  That is about all today. I am getting ready for Bible study. We are going to be discussing the Holy Spirit. I hope your worship today was joyful.  Please keep praying for each other. Later.

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