Friday, August 19, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 92

  Today is my Monday and I slept in until eight. My legs are feeling much better after being punished on the trail Tuesday. I got up and decided to get some laundry done. While the laundry was going on I watched TV and read. Lunch today was chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. That made my Monday feel a lot better. The dishwasher and oven are still broke but the EDR staff are doing a great job improvising. We are eating with plastic silverware and eating off paper plates and paper bowls.
   After lunch I clocked in and headed out on the floor.  Business was steady but not busy. I also noticed that the majority of customers are now foreigners as I think most schools have started up and vacation time is over for many Americans.  Had some great discussions with French and Swiss tourists today. I also noticed that the store has many items on sale now. I think they are trying to reduce their inventory for sure. In a few weeks other stores in the park will be closing and their inventory will be distributed among the store that remain open until October first. Ours is one of those.
   At two thirty I went on break and relaxed reading and checking on the Cubs game. They won and that makes four in a row. After a short nap I headed to the EDR for a dinner of cereal because my body was asking for some grains and nutrition.
   After dinner I headed back out into the store for work and it was pretty dead, even after Old Faithful went off. It was not long before I worked putting up groceries and working in the refrigerator. Business is sure slowing down. Which is good because next week we start to lose about twelve people.  I was able to get off about a half hour early and am now sitting in the dorm common room watching the Olympics with Stephen and Daniel. Two co-workers from the Dominican Republic. They jump from Spanish to American all the time. I am getting used to it.
  Well not an exciting day but it is over and payday if tomorrow. For all reading this please pray for my family as there are a few things happening at home that makes me wish I could transport myself home to hug my wife and grandkids. Take care and keep standing out as a believer in Jesus Christ.

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