Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 91

   After yesterday's hike I decided today to take it real easy. I got up early for breakfast and then headed down to Idaho Falls. I wanted to see a movie, pick up supplies at Walmart, look for some books to read and check out an antique place out two.
  The drive to Idaho Falls was pretty routine. It takes about two and a half hours to get there from the dorm. The movie was to start at eleven forty five and I got there around ten. So I went to Walmart and then to a Chinese restaurant before the movie started.
  The movie was good but not great but relaxing. The movie theatre has some great seats that semi recline. After the movie I headed to Barnes and Noble to get some books to read. Found a couple that will hopefully last me to the end of my job here. I then set the GPS to get me into the middle of town and stopped by an antique shop. They had some good stuff but nothing that I wanted to buy.
  I headed out of town and decided not to go back through West Yellowstone but to turn east and head over Jackson pass and around the Tetons and back into Yellowstone via the south entrance. I don't know if I said this before but I really like the Idaho side of the Tetons as the mountains and the farm land are just more peaceful to me than the Wyoming side of the Tetons. 
   Made it back to the dorm around eight with no issues. Today was a great peaceful day of rest for sure. Tomorrow I am back on night shift. So I get to sleep in for awhile as I have to get some laundry done before work. Take care you all and remember to pray for each other.

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