Sunday, August 21, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 95

   Well as I sit here tonight I calculated that I have only ten more working days left. How about that? Today was a sad day in that I said goodbye to more co-workers. Gigi was crying when she got on the bus this morning to take her to Boseman. Many were waving at her and wishing her well, myself included. Shook John' s hand and said goodbye to him today as he leaves at five thirty tomorrow morning. Tomorrow will say goodbye to Ken, a great Cub fan, and his wife Dianne. Also will say goodbye to my two Dominican neighbors Steven and Daniel tomorrow. Sad days coming up for sure. Even though some may have rub me the wrong way at times, it is sad seeing people leave who I have worked with for almost three months. Chances of seeing them again are pretty slim.
   Today started with a Bible study I led. Several invited but it was only Jack and I attending. The shift work around here makes it hard to get everyone together. Jack and I studied the commands of Christ and had a great time in the word.
  After lunch I headed into the store and was told by Garth that I would be leaving early again today just like yesterday. A few customer things happened but the funniest was when a Chinese lady brought a box of animal crackers up to my co-worker Terry. Terry asked if she needed help and she said "Yes, are these animal crackers?" Terry responded "Yes they are." The lady then inquired "I want to feed them to the animals. Can you tell me where the bear are so I can get a picture feeding the bear a cracker?" It took Terry about five minutes to explain to the lady they are crackers shaped like animals for people to eat. We all had a great laugh about that story.
  Not much else happened on my shift and the crowds are dying down for sure. Bob said at dinner the other day that once kids get back in school the majority of the visitors will be "Newlywed or nearly dead." His words not mine.
  After the shift today I sat with Robert and Kevin at dinner. Robert just got back from a camping and mountain climbing experience in the park. He said he camped around Hart Lake and then hiked a peak that was close by. He said when they camped they were met by rangers who were carrying shotguns. The rangers warned them that several tents up here were crushed by a young bear and they could camp but they needed to be warned about the incident. Also the rangers said if they heard any gun blasts it would be them trying to scare the bear away. They also were trying to figure out how to electrify a fake tent so that the bear would get a shock if it tried to crush it. Robert and his group decided to stay and camp as planned. Robert said they had no bear trouble at all and did not hear any gunshots either. He also said that when they climbed the peak that they could see several fires around our area. From the Tetons to West Yellowstone there are fires burning.
   Well that is all for today. Up early tomorrow as day shift begins. I hope you all worshipped God today and that you felt the peace that He can provide. Take care.

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