Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 10

  Today started very cold. I did not think it would get that cold last night but I woke up to the trailer being 60 degrees.  Which is comfortable to sleep but rather startling to get up and walk around in.  I managed to find the furnace thermostat and got it operational.  The trailer is not much on insulation I can tell.  After a shower the trailer finally started to heat up.  Since it was a cold but nice day I decided to walk into work.
   Today's work was pretty good.  I would say I enjoyed the day very well.  I met a group from Indiana and the son attended Indiana University.  He even knew where Linton was.  We also agreed that Bloomington was going overboard with roundabouts and bike lanes.  :)  I also got to meet a very pretty Great Pyrenees. Pictured below.
He was very well behaved and his name was Huckleberry.  He behaved well in the store and several people enjoyed petting him.  I also got to meet a couple of Cavapoos.  Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Poodle mix.  They were also well behaved and enjoyed being petted.

  To give you and Idea of where I work I have included some of the wooden carvings that are in the hallway outside of my store in the Wall Drug Mall area.  These carvings are sitting on benches that the tourists use to take pictures of themselves.

This lady is one of the most popular carvings for pictures.  They are mostly guys sitting next to her for a picture.  I wonder why?  Today I heard a girl say, "Mommy can you take my picture next to Mary Poppins?"  That cracked me up, as I don't remember Julie Andrews having those proportions. :)

This carving is a rough one of Annie Oakley.  If you look to the right you will see the window to my cash register.  Standing there all day I can estimated that my rear end has been photographed dozens of times a day when tourists take their pictures.  So if you catch my rear end on Facebook let me know, as I want royalties.  :)
   My boss in the store is Pauline.  She is a wonderful person to have selling moccasins.  She has more patience then I do with selling shoes, but I am learning.  It's a fruit of the Spirit I need to work on daily.  :)  Pauline is an excellent sales person and watching her with the tourists is very educational.  I think Pauline could sell a Menorah to Hitler.  She is that good with people.  She is teaching me a lot about selling shoes for sure.

  Yesterday my boss came around and gave all the employees a membership card that gets us a lot of discounts around the area.  Many give us free entry or half price entry on a lot of attractions around the area.  Bear Adventure drive through park here I come.  Cathy just loved that placed.  :)  Well that is about all for today. I had a great day and lots of laughs with the employees and customers.  Stay well and be safe.

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