Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 30

  Well I made it to a month at Wall Drug.  I can't say time is flying by, but it is not crawling either.  I must have worked hard yesterday trying to help Pauline with the cases of moccasins, because I did not wake up until almost 8AM.  Once I realized the time I got up and has a rousing bowl of frosted mini wheats, the breakfast of champions ( from the 60's).   I soon realized that the wind was really howling outside and I figured I would have to drive to work, but after a while I saw that there was not rain just a lot of wind.  It seems that we had a cool front come over last night that drove the hi temperatures away and brought us a day of mid 70's.  I asked Gina at work if the weather here always followed a pattern of hot for a day or two then cool down then back to heat again.  Usually a week will see this cycle happen a couple of times.  She said yeah it happens a lot and probably has to do with the air coming over the mountains in Wyoming brings cool conditions and then the plains heat brings the dry and hot conditions.  They tend to fight for control during the summer.  I told her that today was great for walking into work, even though the wind was blowing at about 15 miles an hour.
   Today Pauline and I managed to get all 244 moccasins stored in their place in our store and we had some room to spare, as she indicated another shipment would soon arrive tomorrow.  She does a great job at arranging the space in the store and my job was mostly to climb the ladder and get the boxes into position.  So far today we have sold a lot of the new moccasins styles that she got.  So she was happy.
   One of my least favorite tourist interactions happened several times today.  We have probably 40 varieties of moccasins to choose from and several sizes to choose from for each style.  About 6 times today I approached a tourist looking over the moccasins and ask them if they needed help.  They would respond "yes I am looking for a size (fill in the blank)".  To which I have to respond always "for what shoes are you looking for?"  I mean really folks just telling me a size accomplishes nothing.  One day I will just grab a random style and say here is a size so and so.  Just to make my day.  :)  Yes I know I am cranky, but it takes a lot of self control not to dope slap a tourist or two every day.  I guess God wants me to work on patience and self-control.  Before I leave here I will have had to work on every fruit of the Holy Spirit.  :)
  Not too much else happened and tomorrow will be July the 1st.  I hope July passes fast.  Take care and enjoy the dogs of the day below.  Some really nice dogs came through.  Stay well and be safe and remember when shopping for shoes pick a style before asking for a size.  The life you save may be your own.  :)

Miniature Australian Shepherd

A dog and her skateboard.  She stays on that while being pulled around the store.

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