Saturday, June 20, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 20 (Day Off)

   Well today was a lazy day off.  I slept in and had a late breakfast.  I wanted to go to the Wall Meat processing plant today to see about getting some steak to cook.  I also wanted to explore the area around Wall a little too.  To see if there were any areas to hike or just see what the farmers are doing.
  Heading out in the truck I went to the meat processing first.  Unfortunately they were not open on Saturday.  My co-worker Pauline's husband works there.  She said that with the processing plant issues in South Dakota, that her husband had to put in many hours of work a day.  I will stop by there next week when I move back to day shift. 
   I then headed out north into the farm land surrounding Wall.  Right now the main crops are winter wheat and hay.  They are always bailing hay here to feed the many many cattle that I see roaming around South Dakota.  The winter wheat is about ready to harvest and I am sure at some point I will see sunflower being planted.  Because when I come through South Dakota in the late summer early fall I see a lot of sunflower fields.  The fields are so yellow that it just about hurts your eyes to see them.  Very pretty to look over.
  After a short nap, yes naps are my best friend, I went for a walk around Wall.  There is a very nice walking trail near me that takes a person through a hay field.  They just harvested the hay and the rolls are still in the field.  I noticed that the edge of the field had many cacti growing.  I find it amazing that they survived the hay mow.  But what really made me smile is that several of them were blossoming some very pretty yellow flowers.  If I lived here I would go and dig a few up and plant them at my house.  They make the field look interesting for sure.  I have been warned several times to be aware of rattle snakes on my walks by the locals.  So far I have not seen any but I am hoping that they will warn me if they find me first.  :)  On any long hikes I do in the area I may bring a Bowie knife I have in the truck.
   That is about it for the day.  Since it was my day off I watch a few movies on my Disney Plus subscription.  I finished Toy Story 4 and that was about as heart breaking as Toy Story 3.  :)  They both were very funny  movies and had a great story.  I am sure they will do a Toy Story 5 sometime.  Thanks for reading and I hope you are all doing well.  Please keep my sister-in-law Janie Elliott in your prayers as she fights cancer.  She is having a very hard time.  Also please pray for my neighbor Carrie Riker as she is having some heart issues.  She is a very sweet lady.

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