Friday, June 5, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 5 (Day Off)

   Today I did a little exploring the town of Wall.  I needed some groceries and I also needed to see where the local laundromat is.  Having to make my own 3 squares a day I am hard press to plan some meals.  The local grocery is OK but their stock is limited and some of the prices are a little high due to it being a tourist center.  The people working in the store are very friendly.  The store requires all out of state visitors to wear a mask to enter the store.  After getting a few supplies I then headed to the laundromat next door.  I wanted to see how much it would cost me to do laundry and how much change I would have to come up with.  I found out that the washer runs 2 dollars and the dryer costs 75 cents for every 15 minutes.  I definitely will miss Yellowstone's dorms and their free washer and dryer.
   After getting the cold stuff back to the trailer I decided to head to the Badlands National Park, which is 8 miles from Wall.  I wanted to see if they were charging to get into the park now and also to get some trail literature.  The drive was very pleasant as the temperature was around 75 degrees and sunny.  I arrived at the entrance and talked to the rangers.  They indicated that they are charging now, but was kind enough to give me the park literature so I could plan a day for hiking in the park.  I turned around at the entrance and headed back but stopped short as on the right side of the road was a prairie dog area.  This is the first time I have seen them since arriving and I really like just watching them in their colony and how they look out for each other and signal danger.
   I then headed to Rapid City to get some lunch and some more supplies at Wall-Mart.  I decided to take a detour and go visit Cabela's in Rapid City first.  After 4 days of selling women moccasins I needed some testosterone time at Cabela's.  I rarely ever buy anything there but I just love walking around the store.  Every once in awhile they will have a sale on something that I buy, but I am not a hunter or a fisherman so the place just appeals to me as a great walk.  They have some great displays as you can see below.
   After Cabela's I headed to get some lunch and then to Wall-Mart.  I wore a mask in Wall-Mart but I noticed that most did not.  They have two Wall-Marts in Rapid City and they are both huge.  I managed to find all I needed and was able to ensure I had enough to eat for my next weeks work.
   Once I got back to the trailer I unpacked everything and then decided to get my steps in and walk the circumference of the town again. 3.5 miles of walking and even stopped by the store to say hi to the workers.  That is about it.  I am resting my legs the rest of the day and will catch up on some reading.
Take care and stay safe and well.

They decorate well at Cabela's.

Great fish tank display.

1 comment:

  1. Hot here...Dirk beat me in golf...Church opens up Sunday..
