Sunday, June 28, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 28

   Well back to work.  I got up early and ate breakfast and headed out to my day shift at 8:30AM.  Since this is Sunday, and the end of the pay period, I have a day shift and then tomorrow I go to evening shift.  11:00 to 7:30.  Tomorrow is also officially payday, but since I get direct deposit I had the money deposited Friday.  Isn't technology wonderful.  Wall Drug pays every two weeks, so tomorrow I will have to ensure they are taking the taxes out like they should be.  I am sure I will have to adjust it as the payroll folks on summer work sometimes act like this is my only income and when you declare being married on the W-4.  They don't take out enough federal taxes.
   Opened up my store this morning and found the place is somewhat of a disarray.  I think the person who worked the night before was a new employee and thus not trained on keeping the place straight during their downtime when customers are scarce.  The belts were a mess.  The carpets needed swept and the register area was a mess.  So for the first 45 minutes I got the place back in order.  Then around 9:30 or so it got fairly busy. Which was good and the time passed fairly quickly.  Before I knew it it was 11AM and Stephanie arrived to work the late shift.  Over all the day was uneventful and I did not even get a good Dog-of-the-Day picture.  I did meet a family from Indianapolis whose son worked in the Bloomington area and knew where Linton was.  My interesting person of the day was a guy who was wearing a "Mott the Hoople."  If you know who they are then I have respect for you.  If you don't them your not my Rock-n-Roll age.  We had a great conversation about old rock groups from the 8-track era and the various concerts we saw in our younger days.  He was glad that someone understood his t-shirt and I thanked him for making my day.  The lead singer of Mott the Hoople was Ian Hunter and he had the best album title ever.  It was "You are never alone with a Schizophrenic."  That title ranked number one and REO Speedwagon's "You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish" was a close second.  Come on and laugh as those are great titles for albums.
   Walking back to the trailer after work was hot as the temp was 90 today at 5PM.  I am not looking forward to tomorrow as the temps are to hit 99 degrees.  So I am sure I will be sweating on the walk to work tomorrow at 11AM.  Thanks for reading and everyone stay safe.  It sure is good to watch LFCC Sunday service on YouTube.   Makes me less homesick.
One of the entrances into our camping and kids store next to me.

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