Monday, June 15, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 15

   After getting to sleep in I got up and had breakfast. Eggs, sausage and toast.  I am getting better at cooking without burning.  :)  Today's temperature will be 16 degrees cooler than yesterday, which made walking to and from work very nice.  I think tomorrow we are supposed to hit 99 degrees with a 20 percent chance of rain. 
   Well what can I say about work today.  Nothing.  Nothing interesting happened and no interesting dog-of-the-day came through.  The only highlight was my boss Pauline taught me how to check in moccasins into inventory, verify we got what we ordered, price the shoes and then put them on the shelves.  They have an interesting inventory system.  Not efficient, but interesting.  With all of the technology available to do inventory management and all.  Wall Drug seems to choose to do a lot of manual time wasting things to process stock, sell stock and track stock sales.  But I am not here to fix their system, just to learn it for the summer.  Yellowstone hands down has a better way of tracking stock and ordering replacements. 
   I found out today that some foreign workers will be showing up tomorrow to work.  They are from Jamaica.  I am still puzzled on how they can enter the country and not have to be quarantined before working with people.  I think they will be assigned to an area that needs staff desperately.  That would be the cafe.  They work very hard there and it is tough getting people to work there that are over 50 years of age.  It is a long day with back breaking work making food, serving the food, cleaning the dishes, etc..  I don't think I could handle that for very long at all.
   That is about all for the day.  Like I said pretty boring.  After work I tried to call Cathy and found out that cell service nationwide was being interrupted.  Jacob said not only T-Mobile, which I use, but AT&T and Verizon were affected most of the day.  I was able to contact Cathy via Facebook messenger and it was good to video chat with her for awhile.  Take care everyone and stay safe.

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