Sunday, June 7, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 7

  Well I have made it a week working Wall Drug.  According to their time clock I have totaled 41.33 hours of work.  Selling moccasins and belts, among other items in stores around me, is rather boring and more boring when business is slow.  Today was better though as I got to work with Ken.  One of the three Kens we have working in our area. Which makes it quite confusing when we need help and ask fro Ken.  :)  The Ken I worked with today has a lot in common with me.  We were both Navy veterans and both served on fast attack submarines of the 637 class.  He was a nuclear engineer and I was a Cryptologic Technician.  We both knew what each other did on a sub and have a lot of Navy stories in common.  He comes from Decatur Illinois and has recently moved to a small town close to Wall.  It was sure nice conversing with him today and laughing about some sub stories we each had.  I have included picture of some nice boots and a hat in case anyone wants me to pick one up for them.  :)
   Last night a severe thunder storm moved through the area.  I was told that several semis were blown over on I90 and the town next to us had hail the size of grapes come down for a while.  Below is a picture of the storm as it approached.  The wind here in Wall was pretty bad for a short while and the rain came down in buckets.  I guess this is normal for the wide open plains.

A Rooster Cogburn Stetson for $314.98

Some nice boots

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