Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 2

   My second day is in the books and I got to see and learn new things.  My boss in the moccasin department had me do work in the upstairs warehouse moving stock.  So like I said yesterday I got to see some of the areas at Wall Drug that most tourists won't be able to see.  As with the dungeon in Yellowstone, where they stored all the stock that had to be put on the shelves.  My Wall Drug stock department was in an upstairs area and just like Yellowstone's area, it was packed to the ceiling. I put pictures below. I will say the area is organized very well and so far it seems that I can find things rather easily. The biggest issue is that it is an upstairs area and not air conditioned very well.  So it gets rather stuffy while working in there.  Today I got to put up a few hundred belts and just like Yellowstone, break down the boxes to be recycled.  I am sure I will be in the stock room many times while I work here.
   The store is somewhat busy but no where near what they are used to during the Spring/Summer tourist season.  I got to sell several pairs of moccasins and several belts today.  The customers are very friendly and I even met several from Indiana.  One or two even knew where Linton was located.  I also prepared my own lunch, PB&J, the lunch of champions. So I am trying to ensure I get a good meal ate during my 3PM lunch/dinner break. 
  During my shift I got a call from Dr. Lynch that my biopsy's all came back OK and that my hernia was no bigger than the last scan.  She said she did not want to see me until 2021.  I really appreciate all the prayers that were said on my behalf.  That is about all the news for today.  Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like there is something to do most of the time.
