Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 9

   Well it was my first day of working 8:30AM to 5PM.  I like getting off in time to eat dinner at a decent hour, but I did not like getting up early.  I guess each shift has its pros and cons.  Opening the store is interesting because it gives me a chance to see how the business starts.  Today I worked with a couple of new people, Emily and Joe.  Emily is the daughter of another co-worker Gina and Joe, and his wife, are camper workers.  Joe and his wife retired as teachers from Texas and has been camper working for several years.  Both are nice to work with.  Today I got to see more of the storage area the store uses.  This was upstairs and covers quite a bit of area.  I have yet to see anything in the basement, but one day I am sure I will.  I got to meet a man from Evansville today.  He and his wife moved to Florida after retirement to enjoy the warm weather.  He knew where Linton was and traveled through our area several times heading to Terre Haute.  I also got to see and pet my first English Sheep Dog and Poodle mix.  She called her a SheepaDoodle. The picture is below.  The dog was very friendly and loved all the attention she was getting.  Today I also was approached by a rather tall tattooed guy who wanted to know if we sold Sap Gloves.  I said I never heard of a Sap Glove.  He explained that they were gloves that had lead weights in the knuckle area.  I told he we definitely did not sell those.  Once he was gone I decided to Google a Sap Glove and found this:
Weighted-knuckle gloves, also called sap gloves, are a type of weapon used in hand to hand combat. They consist of a pair of ordinary looking gloves usually made of leather or a synthetic material, with powdered lead or steel sewn into a special pouch covering the knuckles, and often the backs of the fingers and the back of the hand. In some designs, this distinctive feature is obvious, while in others it is almost completely indistinguishable from an ordinary glove, allowing the gloves to be worn in plain sight without suspicion.
Very interesting glove and I would imagine not used for much other than violence.  Which makes we wonder why he felt a family place would sell something like that.

   I said I would tell you yesterday what issue HR and I were having.  Well yesterday the head of our department, and HR rep, approached me and told me that I would be getting a roommate today.  Since I was just starting the shift she did not spend much time discussing this.  After thinking about this for awhile I decided to call her and discuss this new revelation. You see when I was contacted to come here during the virus situation I asked them what they were doing to protect the workers.  The one thing she indicated was that there would only be one person per room in the dorm and the store was requiring masks for all workers and regular cleaning.  I talked this over with Cathy and we felt that they were doing what they could to keep me and the other workers safe.  So I emailed HR and indicated I would still be coming.  So when she told me that I would be having another person in the trailer, I was a little taken back.  I contacted her later that morning and asked to meet to discuss this new revelation. When we got together I indicted that their promise was that I would not have a roommate because of the virus issues.  Her response what that I was in a trailer and the trailer has a separate bedroom.  So we would not be in the same room.  That is where I recognized we had a communication issue when I agreed to work.  You see Wall Drug calls where employees are housed as a dorm.  My version of a dorm is a building with many rooms, usually two people to a room and has a separate bathroom and shower area.  But Wall Drug refers to their trailers as a dorm.  So HR felt that separate rooms in a trailer is separating employees.  I told her that I disagree with that as physical separation.  Even if we were in separate bedrooms we would still be using the same bathroom, kitchen and living room. I also would not have any control over who the person brings into the trailer.  I said that I did not want to be a hindrance but if Wall Drug was getting that many new employees in and needs the space, then I would just leave and head home for safety reasons.  As I felt that there would really be no separation if someone moved into the trailer with me.  She said she would discuss it with her boss and get back to me.  So today she called me when I arrived at work and informed me that they would not be moving anyone into the trailer with me for the duration of my contract.  She also made it known that in the future, even if their still is a virus, that multiple people would be required to be living together in a trailer.  I told her thanks for making an adjustment and if they do get to need space in the future and need to put multiple people in my trailer then I will be glad to head back home.  She said that would not be necessary right now and thanked me for the offer.  I also will be telling them before I leave that they really need to stop calling their group of trailers dorms, as that is where we had our miscommunication.  If I had known that the dorm was a trailer and they would still be putting multiple people into a trailer, then I would have declined to come.  I also think that they would have requested I leave if they were not so very short of workers.  So because of this situation I have been given special consideration.  So all is good right now between me and HR.
   That is about all for today.  Take care and stay well.

The SheepaDoodle

The nice way I have to get to the upper storage to pull down more moccasins. The moveable ladder system.

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